Discovering Siem Reap, the Land of the Angkor Temples

Discovering Siem Reap, the Land of the Angkor Temples

Siem Reap is undeniably a must-see destination during your stay in Cambodia. This dynamic and bustling city is the access point to the famous temples of Angkor, which were the seat of the Khmer Empire from the 9th to 15th centuries. However, Siem Reap is not limited to the temples of Angkor! The city offers a variety of rich activities that will ensure you have a great stay. For complete practical information on your trip, follow us to discover everything Siem Reap has to offer!

Written by Preetika Narula (Local Expert)Updated on 07-06-2024

Siem Reap, the gateway to the Angkor temples

Siem Reap is a province located in the northwest of Cambodia, 314 km from the capital Phnom Penh. In the past, it was the capital of the Angkorian Empire. So, today, this region still preserves massive historical architectural works, almost intact.

Siem reap map
Siem Reap is a province located in the northwest of Cambodia

Siem Reap means “overwhelmed Siamese” and evokes a battle won by the Khmer armies over the Siamese armies. Benefiting from the fame of the famous archaeological site of Angkor, Siem Reap is today Cambodia's main tourist destination. This booming city offers a wide range of activities, a diverse food scene, vibrant nightlife and a selection of boutique hotels for its visitors.

Siem Reap is surrounded by lovely countryside and is located just a few kilometers from Tonle Sap, the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia.

Massive historic architectural works in Siem Reap
Massive historic architectural works in Siem Reap

>>> The map of must-see sites in Siem Reap:

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What to do and see in Siem Reap ? 

1. Visit the temples of Angkor  

A national but also global jewel since it was recognized as a world heritage site by UNESCO, the temples of Angkor alone justify a trip to Cambodia. Scattered over a total area of ​​400 square kilometers, between small quiet villages, green rice fields and humid forests, the temples of Angkor are the remains of the Khmer Empire which marked Southeast Asia between the 9th and 15th centuries. century with its power, its art and its dazzling architecture.

The temples of Angkor
The temples of Angkor

The temples of Angkor are an architectural marvel that will transport you to another time and another civilization. You will admire majestic temples, detailed sculptures and colorful frescoes that bear witness to the grandeur and wealth of the Khmer Empire. This is the first must-see site to see in Siem Reap.

Here is a list of temples you absolutely must visit:

  • Angkor Wat, the best preserved temple with its unusual typical Khmer architecture. Angkor Wat is dedicated to Vishnu, a symbolic god of the Hindu region.
  • The temples of Angkor Thom and its immense statues, its Elephant terrace, its King Leper terrace and the Bayon temple. The latter is made up of 54 gigantic towers where 216 faces of Avalokitésvara, the goddess of Buddhism, appear.
  • The Phnom Bakheng temple, known for being an exceptional viewpoint from which to contemplate the sunset. As is the mountain temple of Pré Rup.
  • The Banteay Srei temple, also nicknamed the Citadel of Women, one of the most beautiful temples in pink sandstone, with its bas-reliefs and sculptures of Apsaras and finely sculpted deities.
  • The Kbal Spean temple nestled in the sacred Kulen mountain range. You will walk through the jungle towards the Thousand Linga River to admire numerous lingas carved in the river bed.
  • The sacred temples of Takeo, Bantey Kdei and Taprohm are all located in a Buddhist monastery which was abandoned and overgrown over time by gigantic roots of centuries-old trees. A landscape worthy of the Indiana Jones films!

>>> Also read: Battambang Travel Guide 2024: Explore Cambodia's Secret Charm

2. Discover Tonlé Sap Lake: its floating villages, crocodiles and birds

After exploring the majestic, thousand-year-old temples of Angkor, do you aspire to discover a breathtaking natural landscape? Head to Tonlé Sap Lake! It is the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia, originating from the Mekong River, a sacred watercourse which travels more than 4,500 km from the Tibetan plateau, crossing six countries: China, Myanmar , Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.

This river is of great cultural importance to indigenous peoples. It is the world's main freshwater fish reservoir and provides abundant silt, fertilizing vital agricultural land for millions of people. In Cambodia, it forms Lake Tonlé Sap, the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia! 

Tonlé Sap
Tonlé Sap has been designated a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO

During the rainy season, from May to October, the level of the Mekong and Tonle Sap Lake rises significantly, providing a life rich in nature's gifts, including fish. Life in Tonlé Sap is different, centered around fishing, but the people there are always smiling, which makes life on the water particularly touching. While traveling in Cambodia, a visit to Tonle Sap offers a glimpse of life in the floating villages. Among them, Kampong Khleang is the most notable with the largest number of inhabitants.

The floating village of Kampong Khleang
The floating village of Kampong Khleang

Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary: A Haven for Endangered Species

Explore the stunning Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary, a popular attraction at Tonle Sap Lake. This sanctuary is home to the flooded forest of Prek Toal and its expansive freshwater marshes, providing a rare haven for several endangered species, including the Spot-billed Pelican and Black-headed Ibis. From January to May, witness a spectacular gathering of cormorants, pelicans, and herons in this unique habitat.

Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary
Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary

Crocodile Farms: A Fascinating Insight into Local Wildlife

Journey along the banks of the Siem Reap River, heading south towards Tonle Sap, to visit a local crocodile farm. Here, you can observe crocodile nests and, if you're lucky, witness the hatching of eggs in the morning. With each farmed crocodile capable of laying up to 40 eggs per year, this experience offers a rare glimpse into the life cycle of these ancient reptiles. Additionally, some restaurants in Siem Reap serve crocodile meat, providing a unique culinary experience.

Crocodile farm

>>>> ✈️ Combine your visit to Siem Reap with an unforgettable Vietnam and Cambodia tour, exploring the stunning landscapes of both countries ✈️

Be Enchanted by an Apsara Dance Show

Immerse yourself in Khmer culture with an enchanting Apsara dance performance in Siem Reap. Once reserved for royal courts, this graceful dance is a cultural treasure of Cambodia, often depicted on Angkor bas-reliefs. The dancers, adorned in brilliant silk tunics, sequined tops, and golden headdresses, perform precise and captivating choreographies. Their movements, accompanied by graceful leaps and poses, represent universal symbols and are a highlight of the Khmer choreographic repertoire.

An Apsara dance performance
An Apsara dance performance

>>> Also read: Visit Tonlé Sap Lake 2024 to discover the Most Beautiful Floating Villages!!

4. Discover the Angkor night market and Pub street 

Strolling around the city of Siem Reap is a lively and unmissable experience, especially in the evening around the night market and the famous “Pub Street”, which concentrates all the excitement of the city. 

The bars offer a live musical atmosphere where you can sip an aperitif, while the restaurants offer a variety of Cambodian and international dishes that will satisfy all taste buds. You can also explore the many shops and stalls where you can find souvenirs and local handicrafts.

>>> Find out more about: How to say hello in Cambodian?

“Pub Street” in Siem Reap
“Pub Street” in Siem Reap

5. Taste Cambodian cuisine and take a cooking class

You can't leave Siem Reap without tasting the delights of Cambodian cuisine. With dishes such as beef Lok Lak, fish Amok, Khmer curry or even vermicelli soup, you are in for a treat.  You can also read this article to discover the 15 best dishes of Cambodian cuisine and choose the ones that interest you the most: Cambodian cuisine with the 15 best dishes not to be missed!!

Amok, the emblematic dish of Cambodian cuisine
Amok, the emblematic dish of Cambodian cuisine

If you like local cuisine, don't miss the cooking classes in Siem Reap. Hotels and restaurants organize these workshops where you will discover the secrets of Khmer cuisine with passionate chefs. First visit the local market to choose the best ingredients, a great immersion into local life. Then, learn to cook traditional Cambodian dishes with a local chef, guided in English.

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6. Observe Khmer art at the silk farm

If you're looking to explore a different side of Siem Reap, the Angkor Silk Farm is an interesting option. It offers an immersive experience in traditional silk production, from breeding silkworms to weaving finished products. 

A free guided tour allows you to discover all stages of production, and you can buy high-quality products made in the workshops. This tour is a unique opportunity to discover traditional Cambodian crafts while supporting local artisans.

Traditional silk production
Traditional silk production

7. Try Cambodian massages and pedicures

After a day of excursion, who has never dreamed of being pampered in a spa or having a massage from expert hands who magically erase all traces of fatigue? The city of Siem Reap is home to a large number of spas or massage parlors to enjoy a full range of regenerative treatments. 

You can also try the “fish spa”, an original pedicure which consists of immersing your feet in a pool filled with small fish which will be happy to clean your skin. Originally, this treatment is intended for people suffering from skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Fish remove unwanted dead skin for softer, healthier skin.

The “fish spa”
The “fish spa”

8. Discover Cambodian culture at the Cambodian cultural village

The Cambodian Cultural Village, located a five-minute taxi ride from the city center, offers you a unique immersion into the lifestyle, beliefs and customs of Cambodia's diverse ethnic groups. This site includes a historical museum with 30 life-size wax statues, depicting notable personalities, film stars, monks and Apsara dancers. It also features miniatures of Cambodia's iconic landmarks.

9. Visit the museums of Siem Reap

To learn more about history and culture, you can visit museums to enrich your trip with information. In Siem Reap, don’t miss the following museums:

The Angkor National Museum:  is a real treasure for archeology enthusiasts. It houses a collection of artifacts dating back to the Khmer Empire, mainly discovered in the temples of Angkor and its surroundings. The museum is divided into eight galleries which trace Khmer history and cultural heritage.

The Preah Norodom Sihanouk-Angkor Museum :  located near the Banteay Kdei temple, presents a collection of objects discovered during archaeological excavations in the Angkor park. Rare images of Buddha and pottery are on display, contributing to the understanding of the temples of Angkor.

The National Museum of Angkor
The National Museum of Angkor

10. Take the tuk tuk to get around Siem Reap

Tuk-tuk is the most popular and economical means of transportation in Siem Reap. It allows you to move quickly and easily throughout the city. In addition to being practical, the tuk-tuk offers a unique experience to discover Siem Reap from another point of view. It's a great way to immerse yourself in local life, not to be missed. However, be wary of potential scams and be sure to negotiate the price before boarding. Additionally, it is advisable to choose tuk-tuk drivers recommended by your hotel or a trusted source to ensure a safe experience.

tuk tuk
The tuk tuk, a popular transport in Cambodia

When are the best times to visit Siem Reap?

The climate in Siem Reap is warm and tropical throughout the year, with an average temperature of around 30 degrees Celsius.

The best time to visit this city is from December to mid-May, as it is the dry and sunny season. The months of January and February are particularly pleasant for visiting the Angkor temples because the temperature is cooler.

Mid-May to November is the rainy season, which makes the air more humid and can affect travel to varying degrees. However, accommodation costs will be lower than in high season.

The Meak Bochea festival
The Meak Bochea festival is celebrated in February in Cambodia to honor the Buddha with ceremonies

If you want to experience traditional Khmer festivals, you can plan your trip around these events:

  • The Meak Bochea festival is celebrated in February in Cambodia to honor the Buddha with ceremonies at temples in Cambodia.
  • The Chol Chnam Thmay Festival, which is the Cambodian New Year, takes place from April 13 to 15 each year. You can attend lantern releases and the Bom Chaul Chnam water festival.
  • Pchum Ben, the Festival of the spirits of the ancestors, takes place in September.
  • The Angkor Festival takes place in November and December and is considered one of the most important events in Southeast Asia. Don't miss it if you're in the area.

Vietnam cambodia thailand tours

How to get to Siem Reap?

Siem Reap International Airport
Siem Reap International Airport

To get to Siem Reap, there are several transport options. If you are already in Cambodia, you can take a flight from Phnom Penh or other cities like Battambang. Shared buses or taxis are also available ground transportation options.

If you are traveling from France,  note that there is no direct flight to get there. You will therefore need to choose a flight with a stopover in Phnom Penh or other secondary cities in Thailand, Vietnam, Korea or China, before arriving at Angkor International Airport in Siem Reap. 

It is also possible to reach Siem Reap by train to Battambang, which is located approximately 3 hours drive from Siem Reap. You can then take a bus or taxi to reach your final destination.

Train in Cambodia
Train in Cambodia

For the more adventurous traveler, it is possible to reach Siem Reap by boat from Phnom Penh. Although it takes longer, it is a unique experience that offers stunning views of the Cambodian landscapes along the Tonle Sap River.

Once there, the most common means of transport to get around the city is the tuk-tuk, a small three-wheeled car. It is also possible to rent a bicycle or motorbike to get around.

cambodia tours

>>> Also read to discover the other must-see destinations in Cambodia:

Quiz: What do you know about Cambodia?


Quiz: What do you know about Cambodia?

What do you know about Cambodia?
1/6. For what is Battambang well-known?
2/6.The flag of Cambodia is the only flag in the world on which appears:
3/6.What is the capital of Cambodia?
4/6.Where can you see freshwater dolphins in Cambodia?
5/6.Where is Cambodia located?
6/6.Where is the Angkor temple complex?
Your question or comment
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